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The Sonali chicken is a dual-purpose breed developed in Bangladesh in the late 20th century. It is a cross between Rhode Island Red cocks and Fayoumi hens, resulting in birds that resemble local desi chickens..

Key Features of Sonali Chickens:

  • Adaptability: Sonali chickens are well-suited to various environmental conditions, requiring less care and attention, which makes them easier for small-scale farmers, including women and children, to rear. .
  • Distinctive Appearance: They have a phenotypic appearance similar to local desi chickens, which is preferred in certain markets.
  • Meat and Egg ProductionSonali chickens are known for their lean meat quality, similar to desi chickens, and can produce about 150-200 eggs per year.
  • Early Maturity: The breed matures quickly, with hens beginning to lay eggs by four and a half months of age.
  • Weight: Adult males typically weigh between 2-2.5 kg, while females range from 1.5-2 kg.

Benefits of Sonali:

  • Income Generation: Sonali farming can be adopted as a full-time or part-time business, providing a source of income and employment, especially for small and marginal farmers.
  • Protein Source: Their meat and eggs are affordable sources of animal protein for human nutrition.
  • Market Demand: Sonali chickens can be sold at higher prices than broilers, and their meat quality is similar to desi chickens, making them popular in certain markets.
  • Low Maintenance: They require less investment and space to start the enterprise, making them suitable for small-scale operations.
  • Employment Opportunities: Sonali farming provides employment opportunities to young entrepreneurs and self-employment to local adults, contributing to socio-economic development in rural areas.

Sonali chickens are a valuable addition to poultry farming, offering benefits in terms of adaptability, productivity, and economic returns, particularly in regions with similar environmental conditions to Bangladesh.